Specialist microsuction wax removal

It`s very important that ear wax removal is perform by an expert. Blocked ears can also hide a multitude of conditions that need medical attention - so have your ears checked and cleared by an expert. Having your ears cleaned by Heathly Ears means that you have an expert audiologist at you side, who can advise you on all aspects to do with hearing.


I started work as a student audiologist in 1986 in the UK, qualifying in 1988. In 1991 I was promoted to ear wax removal microsuction 2Senior Audiologist and started training as a specialist Paediatric Audiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. I went on to specialize in advanced audiometry including Brainstem and Cortical assessments for legal assessments on 'non-organic' (feigning) hearing losses. Promoted to Chief Audiologist I then worked on introducing digital hearing aids to the NHS, teaching other audiologists about digital aid programming.

During my career in Audiology I became one of the very few audiologists to take an active interest in ear wax removal. I established a training program for UK practice nurses and health visitors to teach them how to perform ear syringing safely, moving on to teach other medical staff how to perform micro-suction. In New Zealand I have taught both doctors and nurses how to perform micro-suction safely and effectively and created a set of standards and protocols for clinical ear care which is now in common use among GP practices in New Zealand.

Our expert ear services

At Healthy Ears we can usually see you on the same day to examine your ears, show you by video what’s happening in your ears and if there is simply too much wax or a foreign body in the ear (a foreign body is anything that shouldn’t naturally be in your ear) then we can clear it and eliminate the symptoms. We will always give full professional advice on whether you should seek a GP opinion.

  • All appointments can be booked instantly online – even same day appointments.
  • Pricing has been kept very low and very simple: You only pay for the service you need...

Ear cleaning services, we offer the choice ...

  • For your ear wax removal clinic, Please click on the Book Online button to see which clinics and appointment times are available.…
  •  call 07853 920549 or use the contact page.

Benefits of our service

  • · Expert Audiologist
  • · Over 36 years of ear suctioning experience
  • · Same day appointments
  •   Charges per ear – you only pay for what you need
  • · No follow-up charges
  • · Expert advice
  • · Instant online booking
  • · You are guaranteed the safest and most professional service.

Ears, clean and protect

  • · Ear examinations
  • · Micro-suction ear clearing
  • · Advice on managing wax
  • · Advice on ear care


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